Monthly Archives: July 2013

What’s Your Sign?

I found this sign out in the Flea Market last week. The colors attracted me first. And, of course, the big orange “LOOK” demands a certain action. I obeyed. I took the picture because I thought it was interesting, but then I got a little closer and actually read it. I started to feel a little convicted. I read it again.

It doesn’t say “be happy.” It says, “be SO happy.”

I consider myself to be a happy person. But does it show on my face? And if it does, are other people inspired to to be happy too just because they saw me? I would love to do that for the people who happen to pass by. There are plenty of grumpy people to adversely affect the moods of humanity. Just think what it could do to our world if we all walked around being SO happy that others would become happy too just because they were in the same vicinity!

I’m wondering if the vendor who hung this sign in an obvious place in the Flea Market was motivated by his or her desire to make the world a better place. It worked on me!

For that I say thank you! From now on I’m going to remember to tell my face to get its “happy” on!

You just never know who might notice!

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Filed under Flea Market

It takes a Village!


Perhaps you’ve been to the Flea Market lately and you’ve noticed people walking around with walkie talkies on their hips or maybe you’ve heard the static-y squawk of a request for help in one area or another. Hopefully you haven’t, as we would like your visit to be without awareness of what it takes behind the scenes to make this thing happen every week. But like a huge choreographed circus, you may be interested to know that it takes a village of employees to make the magic of the Flea Market come to life every Tuesday and Wednesday. From the moment the parking attendant in the bright orange t-shirt greets you and hands you your parking pass, you can be sure that the entire staff is dedicated to making your visit here a pleasant one.

There’s the friendly guy in the information booth who will help you find your way around and give you an opportunity to fill out a form to win something through our hourly drawings. And the knowledgable lady in the Flea Market Office. She’s really handy when “you bought something here three years ago and do you know if that vendor is still here?” Then there’s the army of workers who endure the heat in all of the carry-outs and the Auction Restaurant who serve up all of that good old-fashioned down home cooking you enjoy when your stomach and your nose agree that they need to come to a mutually satisfying conclusion! And, of course, we are so grateful for those who do those disagreeable tasks of cleaning the bathrooms and emptying the tons of trash! What would we do without them?! From answering the phones, greeting the buses, providing electricity, washing the dishes, changing the toilet paper and a whole lot of other tasks no one really recognises but are imperative to happy shoppers, we know, we couldn’t do it without them!

It takes a village and many working hands. Not one of them is more important than the other, and they all bring their unique gifts and abilities to create the wonder of the Shipshewana Flea Market!

See you at the Market!

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People Watching at the Flea Market

I don’t know about you but I love to “people watch.” It is a great way to pass the time and appreciate how different we all are. There are certain places that are especially good for passing the time observing people. My personal favorites are the mall, the zoo (I know, it’s wierd, I’m there to see the animals), and the Shipshewana Flea Market. It’s really anywhere there are large crowds. With thousands of visitors every week from all over the world, the Market is the place to sit back, have a hot pretzel, and enjoy the view!

There are people who come with their families, people who come with their dogs, people who shop ’til they drop (literally!), and people who browse to their heart’s content. Of course, they come in all shapes and sizes, ethnics, styles, and vehicles. They arrive by car, bus, RV, truck, bicycle and on foot!

The variety of product attracts a variety of people. But as different as we all are, there are even more ways we are the same. We all LOVE a bargain! We all LOVE to eat! We all LOVE our families! And we all LOVE the sleeping babies in the wagons and strollers. (Much preferred to the screaming ones!) Funny how bumping along on the gravel in a stroller seems to lull them all to sleep eventually.

We’ve been asked where all these people come from, and it is quite fascinating. Some are locals who come every week. We love our locals! But we’ve also enjoyed visitors from every state in the U.S. and from as far away as Australia, Germany, Africa, China and many other countries. The “word” is out! Shipshewana Flea Market is a worthy destination!

It’s obvious that there are many ways to enjoy the Flea Market. Shopping, eating and watching people. We do provide “people watching” areas in the Market for people like me. It does seem though that the majority of the time these areas tend to be primarily occupied by men waiting for their shopping wives. We are happy to accommodate them! IMG_6492-001

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