Daily Archives: August 31, 2012

From kicking and screaming to “Half-Stitched” and happy …

It’s not often we get a celebrity around here. And if we do, I’ve never seen one.

But a few days ago we had a New York Times best-selling author in our flea market. Yes, for real.

Wanda E. Brunstetter, known for writing compelling novels centered on the Amish life, took the time to visit us at one of our discount book sellers. And she was selling and signing copies of her new book, “The Half-Stitched Quilting Club,” at a bargain Shipshewana Flea Market price!

I admit it. I was not familiar with her writing, but the novel intrigued me. So when I heard the Blue Gate Theater here in Shipshewana was debuting a musical adaptation, “Half-Stitched,” I just had to check it out.

I practically dragged my impromptu “date,” my 14-yr-old son, kicking and screaming with me (“Really, Mom, a play? That’s torture!”)

He received lots of well-intentioned sympathy, from the friendly greeter at the door, “Did your mom drag you here?” to the older gentleman seated next to us, “Don’t feel bad … my wife dragged me here, too!” So my son finally relaxed and even cracked a smile.

I smiled, too, because I just knew something good would come out of his “torture!”

Turns out I was right.

From the moment the curtains opened we were captivated. We laughed and applauded the amazing talent of the cast. And the audience filled with people from California to Canada to Mississippi laughed too.

I can’t speak for anyone else but I was so excited about this musical. Guess my son was excited, too, because he practically dragged me to the line to meet the cast. I kept thinking I wanted to meet Wanda E. Brunstetter, the brilliant author who created the story.

The author who brought her celebrity status to our flea market, situated in a successful community that embraces the simpler life that inspires her books.

A community that maintains its small town integrity amidst a popularity that exposes travelers from all over the country to what we who live and work here already know:

Shipshewana can’t really be explained. It must be experienced.

And it’s an experience that draws even a New York Times best-selling author.



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